
Leaked Documents Confirm RTX 4090 Manufacturing Has Started


The documents confirm that Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090’s production has already started on 16th August. It also confirms 24 GB of memory for the graphics card.

Both Nvidia and AMD are planning to launch their graphics card later this year. Some rumors suggest that September launch is also a possibility. Some reports suggest that both the graphics card makers might postpone the launch to October instead to clear their big current gen inventory.

Whatever it may be. There’s one thing for sure. Nvidia’s flagship offering, the production of the GeForce RTX 4090 has already started few days ago, on 16th of August.

Twitter based leaker @harukaze5719 has shared a leaked document that shows that the manufacturing of some batches of the RTX 4090 GPU / cards have started already.

Going by those dates, it’s no surprise if RTX 4090 releases either in September or October. With 4090 / Ti cards being first in the RTX 4000 series.

The leak however doesn’t stop there. @harukaze5719 has, in another tweet, revealed that RTX 4090 will come with a 24 GB of graphics card VRAM / memory.

It also comes with 3 display port connectors and 1 HDMI too.

The 24 GB VRAM for RTX 4090 hardly comes as a surprise though, considering that RTX 3090 and RTX 3090 Ti too came with 24 GB of VRAM.

What however is interesting is not mentioned in the leak. The VRAM speeds.

Faster VRAM in RTX 4090 And RTX 4000 Cards

When Nvidia announced RTX 3090 Ti in March, it announced that the card will come with then latest 21 Gbps of GDDR6X memory from Micron. Later Micron revealed that it has started supplying a newer 24 Gbps GDDR6X VRAM for 3090 Ti.

New reports suggest that RTX 4090 too will come with Micron’s latest 24 Gbps GDDR6X of RAM. With cheaper RTX 4000 series models switching from GDDR6 in RTX 3000 series to GDDR6X in RTX 4000 series, though slightly slower ones like 21 Gbps from the looks of it.

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