
Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti 8GB GPU Reviews Show Poor Performance


Various reviewers have tested the new Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 8GB. The graphics card is really efficient in power, but performance uplift is poor.

A few days ago, Nvidia confirmed the specs for the RTX 4060 and RTX 4060 Ti graphics cards. It also added that RTX 4060 Ti will come in 2 versions, an 8GB one and a 16GB one.

While RTX 4060 Ti 8GB will release on 24th May, RTX 4060 Ti 16GB will release in July, alongside RTX 4060 (non-Ti).

Now, the reviews for the RTX 4060 Ti 8GB are out. Let us check out some of them.

Tom’s Hardware

Tom’s Hardware has reviewed the Founders Edition of RTX 4060 Ti graphics card. In the review it mentions how the card’s “Memory capacity and bus width hamstring performance at higher resolutions”.

Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Rasterization Performance Review. Tom's Hardware.
Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Rasterization Performance. Credit: Tom’s Hardware.

In rasterization performance in gaming at 1080p, the RTX 4060 Ti is as fast as RTX 3070 when 9 game average is taken into consideration.

However, at 1080p, it’s less than 14% faster than previous-gen RTX 3060 Ti. When 1440p is taken into consideration, the difference is just 10%. Increase the resolution to 4K and the difference between the cards becomes around 6%.

While it’s true no one buys a xx60 series cards for 4K gaming, these benchmarks show how much a cut in memory bus width in the RTX 4060 Ti is effecting the performance.

In DLSS upscaling tests they mention how frame generation adds more frames to the counter, but in real the difference doesn’t feel that big and instead adds a lot of lag.

Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Power Usage Tom's Hardware
Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Power Usage. Credit: Tom’s Hardware.

The power usage is where this card shines. It’s extremely efficient graphics card which uses less than 150W in average at max settings while gaming.

Overall, Tom’s Hardware says that RTX 4060 Ti has only minor improvements over RTX 3060 Ti. It mentions that DLSS3 is probably the only great thing about this RTX 40 series.

Additionally, it mentions how it would have been a good card if it had come with a bigger memory bus and higher VRAM.


KitGuru too reviewed the RTX 4060 Ti FE graphics card.

Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Performance KitGuru
Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Performance. Credit: KitGuru.

In a 12 games rasterization performance tests, the review mentions how the RTX 4060 Ti is just 11% faster than RTX 3060 Ti, while being slightly slower than RTX 3070. Something which it calls “an incredibly lacklustre generational improvement”.

At 1440p, the difference between RTX 4060 Ti and RTX 3060 Ti is even lesser at just 8%. Take that to 4K and the difference is just 5%.

Even KitGuru finds that enabling just DLSS3 frame generation added a lot of latency.

Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Power Usage KitGuru
Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Power Usage Credit: KitGuru.

Here too, the RTX 4060 Ti is excellent is power usage. Using 152W at average at max.


As always, TechPowerUp has the most detailed and comprehensive review for the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060 Ti FE.

Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Performance. TechPowerUP.
Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Performance (Click on image for full size). Credit: TechPowerUP.

In terms of performance, here too, the RTX 4060 Ti performs similar to the RTX 3070.

The difference between RTX 4060 Ti and RTX 3060 Ti is just 11% at 1080p. 9% at 1440p. At 4K, that difference becomes even lesser at 6%. This, while the RTX 3070 races ahead than RTX 4060 Ti at higher resolution.

Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Power Usage TechPowerUP.
Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Power Usage (Full image on original review). Credit: TechPowerUp.

In power consumption, the RTX 4060 Ti performs excellently here too. Maxing out at 159W and spiking at 169W, which we feel is outstanding.

Overall, it says that the graphics card should have been priced at $350 rather than $399. It mentions how the mining boom is done with, so there’s no justification for the graphics card to be priced like this.

However, TechPowerUp doesn’t feel 8GB VRAM is too big a limiting factor and does appreciate all the new features this RTX 40 series offers.


The most hard hitting review for the RTX 4060 Ti comes from TechSpot. This is because it is reviewed by Steve Walton, known for his Hardware Unboxed YouTube channel, where he has reviewed the card too.

Steve Walton is not known to mince his words. He mentions how a 8GB graphics card being priced at $400 is “is woefully inadequate. It’s so deficient that it’s comical.”

Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Power Usage TechSpot.
Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti Performance. Credit: TechSpot.

In terms of performance, RTX 4060 Ti performs the same as RTX 3070 here. When compared to RTX 3060 Ti, it’s just 9% faster in gaming benchmarks at 1080p. At 1440, that difference becomes just 6%. At 4K, that difference is insignificant.

One important thing the TechSpot review shows is that RTX 4060 Ti is actually far slower than RTX 3060 Ti in games like Hogwarts Legacy. The reason it states is that Hogwarts Legacy needs higher memory bandwidth, something which RTX 4060 Ti lacks significantly.

Overall, TechSpot calls RTX 4060 Ti a no-go, with an unjustifiable price. Instead, it says that this graphics card should have been priced at $300 for it to be worth it, while 16GB should have been priced at $350.


If the above reviews are not enough and if someone wants more, then we recommend the review by Gamers Nexus on YouTube. It calls this graphics card “a waste of sand”. Something we agree.

Overall, Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060 Ti is disappointing. It should ideally be named RTX 4050 Ti and should be priced between $200 and $300 instead.

To understand how bad this graphics card is, one needs to look at this table.

ModelRTX 2060 SuperRTX 3060 TiRTX 4060 Ti
Chip Size445 mm²392 mm²190 mm²
CUDA Cores217648644352
Base Clock1470 MHz1410 MHz2310 MHz
Boost Clock1650 MHz1665 MHz2535 MHz
Memory Bus256-bit256-bit128-bit
Memory Bandwidth448 GB/s448 GB/s288 GB/s
L2 Cache4 MB4 MB32 MB
TDP175 W200 W160W / 165W
MSRP $399$399$399 / $499
Created by OurDigiTech. Specs from VideoCardz and TechPowerUP.

As one can see. In raw specs, Nvidia has improved how high the RTX 4060 Ti can clock, along with larger L2 cache. Not to forget great power usage.

However, it’s massively lacking in many other specs. It’s having lesser CUDA cores, it’s cut-down in chip size and the memory bus is cut too, leading to significantly lower memory bandwidth.

While Nvidia claims that effective memory bandwidth is higher with larger L2 cache, the reviews show it’s just not enough.

Overall, like others, we don’t recommend this graphics card to anyone. There’s hardly any generational uplift in RTX 4060 Ti.

In fact, whole RTX 40 series except RTX 4090 has been poor. There’s no 50% uplift in performance which Nvidia always offered.

Forget about 50% increase, with 4060 Ti, that uplift is not even near 30%, it’s just 10% average uplift in performance.

This way, not many are going to buy this graphics card, except those who can really afford to buy them and really want them. We, however, believe Nvidia can price it better to be more attractive to users.

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